What to consider when adopting Passkey and how to build a great Passkey user experience

Huan Liu
Jul 22, 2023


Are you considering adopting Passkey? It is not a one line code change to integrate Passkey, due to the immature platform implementation and the user education required. I gave a talk at IdentiVerse 2023 to highlight what you need to consider when you adopt Passkey. If you missed my talk, or could not attend IdentiVerse, here is the audio recording and presentation of my talk.

Huan’s presentation at IdentiVerse
Huan’s Passkey talk on adoption considerations

Leave comments if you want to learn more. Otherwise, see you next year at IdentiVerse, which I highly recommend, as it is the #1 best conference in the Identity industry.

Note: this article is also posted at my wordpress site at Passkey talk at IdentiVerse.

